Welcome To SAVAQWA™

Today, supply chains are shipping billions of litres of water around the world, to places that already have water, damaging the environment and driving unnecessary waste. SAVAQWA™ redistributes locally sourced water downstream to point of sale driving major cost, water and CO2 emission savings.


    SAVAQWA™ is a UK robotics OEM with a global outlook. Already with 10 prestigious innovation awards, we’re both market maker and disrupter.


    We develop and deploy IoT and robotics solutions to reduce water waste and carbon emissions across global supply chains.


    Current supply chains of retail and commercial liquid products transport vast volumes of water on our roads and seas every year driving waste and damage to our environment

What if you could change the World every time you paint?

Did you know that paint is made up of almost 70% water? 

Yet, we ship it to places that already have water. Crazy, right? 

Then, we place it predominantly in plastic containers

Stacking them in DIY stores wait to be purchased. 

Some are there so long it goes out of date, meaning it is transported again for waste and recycling activities.

That’s why we want your help to disrupt the global paint supply chain.

We’re creating a distributed network of AI-based cloud-connected Paint-on-demand vending machines, where you’ll be able to mix any colour paint, in any volume, at any time of day, or night, using locally sourced water.

This will minimise the carbon footprint of paint by over 70%

Paint vending on demand maximises customer flexibility and creates the only socially responsible future for paint.

So why not change the World every time you paint? 


Our technology applies to any predominantly water-based product in stores. Why pre mix, transport, and store for long periods in harmful plastic containers when we can vend on demand any water-based product?

Vending on demand not only achieves all the great environmental savings above, it also provides product without the additives included to artificially extend shelf life. Additive-free products are purer products, meaning they’re healthier and better for you.

So why not change the World every time you shop, and demand fresh, pure vend on demand products for your families future.